Sikresiden.no (On the Safe Side) is a web application designed to offer user-friendly guidance and training for handling emergency situations. However, it's important to always assess each situation individually to determine the most appropriate course of action.

Tailored specifically for students and staff at universities and university colleges, Sikresiden.no provides easy access to local emergency contact information at their respective institutions. The information is available in Norwegian, English and Northern Sámi.

Sikresiden.no is used by a range of institutions including: AHO, ANSABI, CMIHiMolde, HINNHiVolda, HIØHVLHøyskolen KristianiaKHIO, KRUS, LDH, NHHNIH, NLA HøgskolenNMBUNMHNORD universitetNTNU,  OsloMet, PolitihøgskolenSimulaUiA, UiBUiO, UiS, UiTUNIS,  USN and VIDExperts from various fields have collaboratively developed the content of sikresiden.no.

We have also had discussions with and received input from a number of experts from projects and institutions including: the Norwegian Police, the Norwegian Directorate of Health, NKT TRAUME - The Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Trauma, the Norwegian National Committees for Research Ethics, the Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM), the Assault Centre in Oslo, and the ‘Lykkepromille’ project.

The higher education sector shares common core activities, legislative mandates, and requirements set forth by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. Our ability to collaborate and share resources empowers us to achieve more collectively.

Links to sikresiden.no can be freely shared without restrictions.

Sikresiden.no (On the Safe Side) is protected by copyright in accordance with the Norwegian Copyright Act (Åndsverkloven).