
When you hear the fire alarm: Go outside and move away from the building.

When you discover a fire: Call 110 and set off the fire alarm.

Students leaving via an emergency exit. Foto: Thomas Ekström/Sikresiden
Students leaving via an emergency exit. Foto: Thomas Ekström/Sikresiden
Icon representing fire – Flame


When you hear the fire alarm: Go outside and move away from the building.

When you discover a fire: Call 110 and set off the fire alarm.

Students leaving via an emergency exit. Foto: Thomas Ekström/Sikresiden
Icon representing fire – Flame


In the event of fire and a fire alarm

The most important thing is to notify and save. Consider whether you should extinguish and limit fire spread.


  • Call 110 and set off the fire alarm


  • Leave via smoke-free escape routes, do not use lifts
  • Help those in need
  • Move away from the building


  • Extinguish the fire if you can
  • Do not put yourself in danger. Smoke is very toxic


  • Shut doors and windows


Do you you have important information? Inform the emergency services or security personnel at your place of study / work.

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Last updated: 24. February 2023